The RunTogetherNow project originated in the spring of 2022. In cooperation with On-Running, a running shoe company, we offer running training every Monday in Vienna’s Prater. The meeting-point is Rustenschacherallee 3-5 in the 2nd district.


The aim of this project is to give refugees and disadvantaged persons easy access to running, with a particular focus on socializing and having fun.


The RunTogetherNow group participates in small running events in Vienna at regular intervals. This increases your motivation and gives you the opportunity to experience all the great feelings when taking part in such events. The 2022 Pride Run was the first such event RunTogetherNow participated in – many more will follow! 

In addition to this, PlayTogetherNow 2022 now heads a food and drink supply station for the Vienna City Marathon (VCM). From now on, with the help of 30-40 PlayTogetherNow community members, we will manage this station for each and every upcoming VCM and feed the runners in the best possible way.

Are you interested in running with RunTogetherNow, and/or in helping manage the PlayTogetherNow VCM food and drink supply station?

Send us an email via or send a SMS to 0699/18389987.

Logo On Running
Marathon 2022 Wien